Ann Liao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall B132Office: (716) 878-5802
Email: liaoha@buffalostate.edu
I joined Buffalo State in Fall 2008. I teach courses in Communication Studies. My research interests focus on learning in various contexts, such as learning in higher education and learning from the media. Prior to my academic career, I worked as a reporter for a newspaper and a public relations practitioner for a nonprofit organization. In my free time, I enjoy engaging in fitness activities and spending time with loved ones.
Ph.D. in Communication, University at Buffalo
M.A. in Journalism, the Ohio State University
B.A. in English Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University in Taipei, Taiwan
Communication and Society; Graduate Data Analytics for Strategic Communication; Graduate Seminar in Mass Communication; Graduate Quantitative Research Method; Communication Data Analytics; Organizational Communication; Group Communication; Rhetorical Criticism; Intercultural Communication; International Communication; Introduction to Human Communication; Introduction to Oral Communication; Foundation of Inquiry; Interpersonal Communication; Mass Communication Theory; Protest and Public Opinion; Introduction to Communication Theory; Principles of Public Relations; Public Relations Methods and Cases
Liao, H-A. (2014). Examining the Role of Collaborative Learning in a Public Speaking Course. College Teaching, 62 (2), 47-54.
Liao, H-A., Edlin, M. &Ferdenzi, A. (2014). Persistence at an urban community college: The implications of self-efficacy and motivation. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38 (7), 595 – 611.
Liao, H. A., Ferdenzi, A. & Edlin, M. (2013). Motivation, self-regulated learning efficacy, and academic achievement among international and domestic students at an urban community college: A comparison. The Community College Enterprise, 18 (2), 9 – 38.
Liao, H-A. (2009). Political efficacy and campaign news attention as catalysts of discursive democracy. Web Journal of Mass Communication Research, 18. - Faculty Top Paper Award, Civic and Citizen Journalism Division, Association for the Education of Journalism and Mass Communication
Liao, H-A. (2006). Toward an epistemology of participatory communication: A feminist prospective. Howard Journal of Communications, 17 (2), p. 101 – 118.
Liao, H-A. (2006). Cultural orientations and collaborative learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10 (3).
Liao, H-A. (2005). Adoption of a course management system at a college campus:
The implication of diffusion of innovation. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2 (10).